Hating Your Job Can Cause Depression, Learn How to Manage It

Mark Benson

Mark Benson

Money Savings Advice Hating your job can cause depression

While few people have real job satisfaction, you should not be working in an environment which prompts clinical depression and other types of mental illness.

If you hate your job and it is bringing on depression, then you need to take action and protect yourself from further issues. There are legal and moral issues to consider, and you are not alone!

Common Work Place Depression Symptoms

You may be depressed if you're suffering from low self-esteem, mood swings and a constant lack of motivation or interest. If it's caused by work, speak to your manager or HR department to get support, and ask your GP for treatment options.

As the workplace becomes more and more competitive, targets are increased, and pressure grows, depression is a major issue for many people.

This is a recognised medical condition, and there are ways and means of tackling the illness and the potential financial consequences for you, your partner and your family.

We will now take a look at the issue in more detail together with legal protections and other ways in which you can protect your income.

Looking for other information on the Income Protection? This guide has info on 'Hating your job can lead to depression'. We have also writen extensively about:

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What Are the Psychological Signs of Depression?

There are many psychological signs of depression experienced in isolation with no long term issues, but cumulatively they can confirm a diagnosis.

These include:-

  • Low self-esteem
  • Tearful/emotional
  • Mood swings
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Constant irritation
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of interest
  • Feelings of anxiousness

It is worth remembering that depression is recognised as a real illness, and physical/mental issues are now considered in the same light.

What Are the Physical Signs of Depression?

While depression is seen as a form of mental illness, it actually brings on physical symptoms which in isolation prove nothing, but cumulatively they can create a very strong signal. These include:-

  • Change in appetite/weight
  • Lethargic
  • Lack of energy
  • Slower movement/speech
  • Disturbed sleeping patterns
  • Loss of libido

Many people think that because depression is seen as a type of mental illness, there are no physical consequences. This is plainly wrong.

What Are the Social Symptoms Associated With Depression?

Last but not least we will now take a look at the social symptoms associated with depression which can literally be life-changing:-

  • Removing yourself from social events/meeting friends
  • Neglecting hobbies and other interests
  • Difficulties in your personal life

In reality, many of us will go through some of the above symptoms in isolation at some point in our life without necessarily suffering from depression. However, if these symptoms are prolonged, they can be a real indicator of underlying problems.

What Are the Different Levels of Depression?

There are numerous levels of clinical depression known as:-

  • Mild depression, has an impact on your daily life
  • Moderate depression, has a significant impact on your daily life
  • Severe depression, can impact your life to the point where you can’t function and lead to other physical/mental issues

Thankfully, there are treatments available for all types of depression which can commence as soon as you are diagnosed.

Does My Employer Have an Obligation to Protect My Health and Well-Being?

Yes. There are many regulations relating to employment, one of which is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This places a legal obligation on your employer to protect the health and well-being of all employees. The act takes in everything from continuous training to health and safety, physical well-being to mental pressures.

How Can I Protect My Income in the Event That I Fall Ill?

Depression itself can be a debilitating illness, but the added worry about finances can make an already difficult situation even more challenging. As a consequence, many people look at what is known as income protection. This is a means of protecting your income in the event that you are unable to work as a consequence of illness/injury.

What Types of Income Protection Are Available?

There are two basic types of income protection, long-term protection and short-term protection. Long-term protection will provide financial support as long as required, up to a specified retirement date, if you are unable to work on medical grounds. Short-term income protection can last anywhere between 12 and 24 months per claim per condition with the option of adding other terms such as unemployment/redundancy protection.

Is Income Protection Expensive?

The cost of income protection will depend upon the level of protection required and whether you opt for long-term or short-term cover. The insurance companies have ranked various industries/roles with regards to the likelihood that employees will suffer an illness/injury, which will prevent them from working.

These different categories will be discussed in detail when you make your income protection enquiry.

I Am Worried About Losing My Job, Can I Protect My Income?

Yes. Many income protection policies will allow you to add a condition often referred to as unemployment/redundancy protection. This is a short-term policy that will payout in the event that you are made redundant through no fault of your own.

An element of your salary would generally be covered for a period of 12 months although in some circumstances this could be extended.

How Much Will I Receive With an Income Protection Policy?

The traditional range is between 50% and 70% of your regular monthly income which will be paid tax-free. The higher the level of protection, the higher the level of premiums which is something you would need to balance against your requirements/budget.

Would I Receive Income Support Immediately?

Most income protection policies will begin payments from 4 weeks up to a couple of years after they are activated due to illness, injury or redundancy. All things being equal, the lower the activation period, the higher the premiums, simply because the insurance company would be paying out more money.

If you’re looking towards income protection support, it may be worthwhile taking professional advice.

What Are the Conditions Under Which I Can Claim My Income Protection Payments?

There are three different conditions used by insurance companies which are known as:-

Activities of Daily Living

These cover your ability to carry out simple daily activities such as showering, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, etc.

Suited Occupation

This is quite a controversial condition because your insurer may not pay out if they believe that you could still carry out a lesser role in the workplace. For example, if you were unable to carry out a management role then in the eyes of an insurance company, you may still be able to carry out a less demanding role.

Own Occupation

This is the most comprehensive type of policy which will payout, no questions asked, if you are unable to fulfil your current role. There will be no consideration of daily activity, and there will be no suited role assessment.

Do I Need Income Protection Insurance?

Unfortunately, when some employees have issues in the workplace, they are unaware of their sick pay entitlement both from the company and the government. If your employer has a generous sick pay plan, then you may be entitled to full, or part pays for many months.

Before you decide whether income protection insurance is required, you should read your employment contract.

Reducing Your Income Protection Insurance to Get the Best Results

If you find that your employer has a relatively generous sick pay plan, then you can adjust your income protection insurance to fit in. Let us say for example your employer paid you a full salary for the first six months and then 50% for the next six months.

As traditional income protection insurance will pay out between 50% and 70% of your gross monthly income, it would make sense to introduce a 12-month pause before income protection payments are made.

That way, you would have your full salary for the first six months, 50% for the next six months and then between 50% and 70% for the next 12 months. In the meantime, if you were able to return to work or find alternative employment, you may be able to cut short your income protection payments.

Should I Use an Insurance Broker?

As we touched on above, income protection insurance on the surface is relatively straightforward. However, when you dig a little deeper, there are a number of issues to take into consideration. Firstly, the vast majority of income protection insurance policies will not pay out immediately. Secondly, what happens if you need to adjust your policy going forward?

These are just some of the issues to consider. It is, therefore, no surprise to learn that more and more people are now using income protection insurance brokers to find the best deals for them. Many people are also drawn by the opportunity to discuss their specific scenario with an expert and find something which dovetails with their needs.

What Are Tied and Independent Brokers?

When looking for an insurance broker, you will come across the terms tied insurance broker and independent insurance broker. A tied insurance broker is restricted to normally one insurance company or an extended insurance group.

An independent insurance broker has access to the full market and in theory, greater potential to negotiate the best deal. However, many people seem to overlook the power of the tied insurance broker.

A tied insurance broker will likely be channelling a significant level of business to one or a small group of parties. As a consequence, they may have more negotiating power than appears at first glance.

You will also find that many tied insurance brokers are experts in particular areas of commercial insurance and therefore able to negotiate extremely competitive deals. So, it is dangerous to assume that independent insurance brokers will always be the most competitive. Yes, they have access to most insurance companies but not necessarily the greatest negotiating leverage.

What Would an Insurance Broker Charge?

There is no set fee when it comes to charges incurred employing the services of an insurance broker. You tend to find that they will choose one of three different charging structures which are:-

  • Charge the client
  • Receive a commission from insurance companies
  • A mixture of the two

Thankfully, due to new legislation, insurance brokers have to be extremely transparent regarding their relationships with third parties and income arrangements. There is no doubt this has injected a greater degree of confidence into the industry for the benefit of all.


Depression in the workplace is a lot more common than many people think. Unfortunately, large numbers of employees will suffer in silence when, in reality, there are treatments, solutions and assistance available. Financial issues can sometimes make a difficult situation even worse; therefore the likes of income protection can prove an invaluable source of support.

How Can Money Savings Advice Help You With an Income Protection Insurance?

Here at Money Savings Advice, we have partnered with some of the UK’s leading Income Protection Insurance brokers. They have already helped thousands of people get the best Income Protection Insurance cover and they can do the same for you.

Choosing an independent adviser means they won’t recommend a scheme unless they are sure it is in your best interests. Their advice is also regulated by the FCA, which gives you an additional layer of protection.

If you would like to speak to one of these brokers who can provide you with a ‘whole market quote’ then click on the below and answer the very simple questions.

Money Savings Advice Author Mark Benson

Mark Benson

Mark has been writing professionally for over ten years for the financial sector. Having started in the financial world as a stock-broker in central London and then moving to equities trader Mark is one of our senior financial writers who has a vast knowledge of multiple financial sectors.

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